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Under The Conversation

By 10:58 am , ,

if you still can remember the day when you were screaming "AND I FEEL HEAVY METAL!! WOHOO!!" then bless us. blur is back. with their new single which sounds very sad (saddest song they've ever wrote) and no doubtly brilliant.

the days of "i feel heavy metal" are long-gone. but they're back to bring a mourn and reflection.

for the way i feel about you
paradise not's in you
on a permanent basis I apologise
but i am going to sing

and no. we feel heavy metal no more...

yet here another song came from Passion Pit. this just remind me of the moment when you're talking to a stranger. just talk and suddenly connected. just as simply as that. the moment when "you would never know wehere a constant conversation will bring you"

You never know where some people will go
Yes some people been hurting me
You can tell by a look, by the slightest clue
Can the night pull a blink of an eye
Well then we’ll say what they say
And we’ll do what they do
But it doesn’t mean a God damn thing
You can listen if you want, you can listen if you don’t
Get a talk, yell and even sing

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