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A Well-made Asian Guy

By 10:48 am ,

i've never been a big fan of male model. because, i always assume that they're all gay (and i hate if theres a guy whos more beautiful than me). not because i have homophobic i just can't accept the facts a well-made guy who doesnt have a affection of boobs and fucking woman. BUT i have the exceptional here. since i've never been (also) a big fan of muscular masculinty vibe-guy so my type of ideal guy is unlike L-men Contestant.

my friend once asked me (in the mid of truth or dare game and i was lame bout any games so i lost all the time) -what is my ideal type of guy? physically and mentally (and the weird thing is, the one who asked is a boy in my class whos got a top-rated bastard). it was a classical kind of
question and very easy to describe. but extremely hard to become reality.

i never realized before that i have same pattern for liking a guy. and thanx God i have a girlfiriend who's kindly manage that. she said "i know ur type: tall, white skin, skinny, small eyes, and dark curly hair!" for all God up there -i had once like that! first crush is a cursed. trust me. i like someone who's physically opposite from me (except for the curly hair)

i like asian guys. because why not? i am asian (stupid reason -i know) i like all asian well-made guys. but still...NO for male models. BUT i have to bite my own tounge coz i've met (not actually met) a well-made asian model. fine fabrics. good genes. right DNA.

i wish i could perm his hair so it'll curl like mine. i wish he's got twins DNA so we could have another well-made twins baby boy.

Lee Hyuk Soo

twenty three year old model from korea. befriend with GD (if u thing that matter). known for dark misterious figure in 2NE1 video (like that matter). and already taken for a six years older korean actress (NOW that's matter!)

would fit for a role in Tim Burton's hallowen theme movie

plus! he drinks straight from the bottle! sexy

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