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Marry Me Like Mary

By 10:57 am , ,

so i never so craving bout korean drama
since the actor been dressing like a 'gisaeng' hahaha or too cute, not manly

but i am falling in love with this drama
i like the story, the topic is so fresh (bout indie band), and specially THE OUTFITS!

i just wanna married like Mary
and i dont give a fuck care if u say the actor looks like a girl
or gay or anything.
he's just too cool for me

good-taste of outfits, may I get this kind of man in this not-so-cool reality?

getting married with red boots? that's what i'm talking about

and dont forget the barefoot wedding scene!!

oh, and the soundtrack would NOTHING, i repeat, NOTHING like any other drama NOTHING LIKE that shit idol's song (read: suju) lol

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