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A Cure For Your Quarter

By 7:37 pm

 "Perhaps more important, people with happy dating lives aren't overly concerned about how their own actions will be perceived by potential mates: They text when they feel like texting, they have sex when they feel like having sex, they break up when something isn't working."

"But what the phrase "It will happen when you least expect it" really means is, "It will happen when you just stop worrying about it." It will happen when you let your guard down for a second, when you're thinking about something else, when for a moment all the stress and frustration and heaviness part like clouds, and some guy gets a glimpse of the real you that's been hiding underneath. I promise that's the corniest thing you'll read in this book, but it's true, it's true, it's true. It might not be immediate, but once you stop stressing, at some point it will happen."

Taken from How to Not Hate Dating by Chiara Atik.

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